St Margaret's at Troy Town CE Primary School


Instilling curiosity and creative thinking that allows each child the freedom to venture beyond the known


Nursery- Sunbeam Class

Class Teacher: Miss Donnelly

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Scoble

If you need to contact Miss Donnelly, please email

What you need to know...

  • Our drop off and pick up time: 8.30am - 11.30am
  • Reading books and Home activities will be provided on a Thursday and should be completed and returned every Monday.
  • The children are responsible for bringing their blue water bottle home with them everyday. Please can these be washed and returned back to school the following morning.
  • Our Forest school day is Thursday. Please make sure you provide a pair of wellies for them to leave in school and a change of clothes in their bag.
  • In the summer months the children must wear a summer hat and sun cream. Winter months they will need hat. coat and gloves. 



 Term 3 - Earth & Beyond

Term 3 Theme of learning



Term 2 - Traditional tales & Christmas

Term 2 Theme of learning



 Term 1 - All about me
