St Margaret's at Troy Town CE Primary School


Governors work with senior leaders in the strategic development of the school and in raising standards of achievement. Duties include setting the school’s vision, aims & objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the Headteacher.


The Local Governing Body - 2022/23

The Parish rents our Parish Centre, Church hall, and St Margaret's Church to other local community groups, including St Andrew's School. The vicar leads collective worship for St Peter's Infants' School, St Andrew's School, The King's School, and Trinity School and College.​
Governor Appointed by  Term of Office


Business Interests

Kirsten Taylor


Trustees 16.11.2022 - 15.11.2026 Safeguarding
Pupil Premium

Katie Willis

03.01.2022 Headteacher Brother is Headteacher at St William of Perth Primary School
Sue Clarke Trustees 02.09.2021 - 01.09.2025


Louise Goldie Drumm Parent Election 04.01.2021 - 03.01.2025


My husband is a Governor at Bradfields Academy.

Class Teacher at St Marks (Pilgrim MAT)

Sam Poynton Staff Election 15.03.2023 - 15.03.2027


Rev'd Joel Love



11.01.2019 - 10.01.2027


Religious Education 

Collective Worship


The Parish rents our Parish Centre, Church hall, and St Margaret's Church to other local community groups, including St Andrew's School. The vicar leads collective worship for St Peter's Infants' School, St Andrew's School, The King's School, and Trinity School and College.

Claire von den Driesch

Parent election 20.03.23 - 19.03.2027

Foundation Stage and Key Stage One Curriculum