St Margaret's at Troy Town CE Primary School

Religious Education

RE has a high profile within our school curriculum and is comparable with other core curriculum areas.


Children develop their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.  Children explore the significant theological concepts within Christianity as part of developing their wider religious, theological and cultural literacy.  This includes ‘big’ or ultimate questions. 

 In addition, we learn about other religions and world views.  We want to prepare our children for the diverse landscape of modern Britain; welcoming those of all faiths or none with respect.  Beliefs about the existence, nature and activity of God are central to many religious traditions, especially Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They form the foundation beliefs of a number of faiths and result in particular kinds of response, such as prayer, worship and ethical conduct, which is believed to be in line with the will of God.  

 We believe that the values underpinning our religious education will enable the children to become confident, reflective, spiritual and morally aware people who can play a role in shaping modern Britain. 


We use the Kent Agreed Syllabus to plan our teaching and coverage of RE and we use Understanding Christianity and NATRE resources for our planning and teaching of Christianity.  Children develop their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.  

In Reception and Key Stage One, children will encounter a range of World Faith Stories, including the exploration of Christianity and Judaism, faith stories from Islam and an introduction to Humanism.  In Key Stage Two, children will also encounter Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam and Humanism. See our RE curriculum overview for more details.

See below for Kent syllabus overview:

Kent Agreed Syllabus 2023


An important aim of RE is that children are encouraged to reflect on their learning and make their own decisions about what they believe. RE helps children understand that religion still influences and sustains many people in the world today, and to consider the wisdom of faith traditions, and reflect on what they might take from it.

We believe that the values underpinning our religious education will enable the children to become confident, reflective, spiritual and morally aware people who can play a role in shaping modern Britain.

Through regular assessment, we review questions at the start of a topic, teach the topic for the term, and then assess what the children now know.